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Little Jessica has fallen down a Well!

I don’t know why, but every time I see a hole in the middle of a sidewalk, where a manhole is supposed to be , I think about little Jessica McClure who fell down a well in October 1987. This feeling hit me tonight as I was riding down South Cedar Street and had to use the sidewalk for my Kickscooter because a car was coming. As soon as I pass the new “temporary Bridge” I see a Water Company cover that is not covering the hole. I darted out of the way and wiped the sweat off my brow. I thought I was about to end up on the sidewalk or worse. I took pictures and reported this problem using the CLT + app and sent a message to a contact over at Charlotte Water. This could be dangerous if people are not watching where they are scooting, biking, or running.

It was fixed within a couple of days and no one was hurt during the filming of this drama. 🙂

At Project Safe & Bright, Inc. we want safe communities. Sometimes this means reporting manhole covers, and sometimes that means potholes or street signs, but most of the time it means Streetlights. Tune in for more sidewalk adventures. I promise I’ll tell you when I fall. 🙂

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