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Jailhouse Rock!

Riding down on East 4th Street you will come across a large Hexagon shaped property known as the Mecklenburg County Central Jail. The front of the property is full of Decorative Pedestrian Streetlights on Posts. This night I rode through to see what the lights looked like up close. To my surprise the Jail had about 20 Lantern lights out. They all had the Duke Energy stickers on them so I knew they were supposed to be working. Because this is public property, I didn’t need permission to report the lights. I wrapped them in my special vinyl wrap and sent them all to Duke Energy for repair. A few nights later this property was bright again. A few of the deputies noticed what I was doing and thanked me for getting them fixed. They stated the lights had not worked and they thought they were all disconnected. Again, people get comfortable with things and become numb to their surroundings until things work again. Its compliments like this that let me know I’m making a difference and spending my time wisely at night instead of sitting in front of the T.V. during a Pandemic.

Moving on to other Hero stories of the night….. Stay tuned.

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